
Dryhootch hired us to help the non-profit organization gain awareness in the Milwaukee community. We secured spots for Dryhootch on Fox 6, TMJ4, WISN, CBS 58 and KISS FM. Dryhootch of America, Inc. is a Milwaukee-based veteran nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans and their families who survived the war, survive the peace. Dryhootch was founded in 2008 by a group of Vietnam combat veterans who want to help Iraq/Afghanistan veterans from experiencing the same problems, such as PTSD and alcohol/drug additions, that plagued and still plague the Vietnam veteran generation. Dryhootch operates out of a coffee house where veterans can reconnect with other veterans and find support in an informal, comfortable setting. Above the coffee house, veterans can participate in a group or individual peer-to-peer counseling sessions. The coffee house is also open to the public.